i used to have a close friend that i trusted most.. his name was F.. we use to hang out together with other friends and have so much fun.. going here n there, getting drunk together and all.. telling stories and secrets.. well.. and i thought i knew him well.. so when ever we go out, i treat him.. from his lunch, dinner, cigarette, movie tickets.. to fucking fueling up his car.. everything was all on me... i'm just like his second dad i think, coz i treat him more than i treat my gf! (now a.k.a. my ex gf).. kfc,mcd,bk,noodle station,kluang station, wendys, etc.. and even at the fucking mamak stall, i'm the 1 who will have to pay.. most of the things was paid by me.. my money... and what the fuck he just have to do? drive me around.. that's it.. there were this 1 week, i burn up about RM700 just hanging out for 7 days with him alone + 1 of our friend.. so, even a moron can count that i spend RM100 a day just because of him.. and he didnt even spend any shit.. not even 1 cent.. but for me.. it's ok i guess.. maybe 1 day, he'll treat me like i treat him right? and how stupid of me to think that would happen.. i even lent him RM500 just like that just because i thought, he's my close friend.. that would be ok i guess.. he'll pay..
even my other friends would call me stupid if they know this.. and just when i thought i knew him.. he back stab me.. he badmouth about me in front of our other friends.. and so.. as he think he so smart, he thought he would never get caught and our friends would believe that.. haha! fucker.. after what he did, all my friends tell me what he talk about me behind my back.. so..
in the end, i know he was just a hypocrite that used me.. shit..
hm, till now, i still wonder.. what did i do that make him do this to me.. fuck off u motherfucker bitch!! i hope u die in vain!!! hell's awaits u fucker!!!