Thursday, December 23, 2010


i has been a while i didn't do any post. so i got some time to kill, here i am. ready to mumble about stupid things. haha.. so, todays topic i would like to pick is hobby. and i'm guessing that lot of us have our own hobby. yeah i know most of the people would deny it, but believe it or not, all of us have hobby either we realize it or not, or just trying to deny it. like we all know, most people have decent hobby like collecting stamps, read books, do sports, etc. but what i want to talk about is about the one with weird hobby. because usually theirs' are much more interesting. so, lets have a look.

first we got, cosplay lovers. ever heard of cosplay.? well, this cult started from Japan obviously, it comes from comics, manga, and anime, which they tend to wear a costume that represent their beloved character and gather around with people that tend to have the same hobby. and they got lots of fans that love doing cosplay. and as for now, people all over the world recognize cosplay as a big event and usually draw so many crowds all over the globe. so like right now, cosplay isn't just something that we can find only in Japan.


One Piece

ok.. next we got mythical being chaser. well, i shortlisted then into a few, such as ghost hunter, these people usually wanted to prove the existence of ghost and they go to various places that are famous for haunted areas and tend to stay there and try to get a footage on the site. and then Bigfoot, they even have an association that dedicate their lives on proving that Bigfoot / Sasquatch is not a myth. and then Loch Ness monster.. and last but not least, UFO / unknown flying object. all of these people that are serious about this kind of hobby tend to spend most of their money and time on proving on what they believe do exist because most of people would never believe in this kinda things and said that most of the footage about these creatures are fake. well, the world that we live in are big. and we discover lots of things everyday. the truth is out there, we might just meet something that we never believe in one day. who knows.?


Loch Ness

and next we go to more extreme hobby that not many people would dare to do it. storm chaser or tornado chaser. these people that chase tornado and storm dedicate their lives on studying facts about these nature catastrophic. and these thing that they do are not child's play. so they might lose their live trying to study this thing. call them crazies.. but they love it.. haha..
The device

The cars

The tornado

so many other hobbies such as being a collector, collecting rare things, rare items and many more. doing strange sports and more. there are so many weird hobbies that we can never understand why people would do it. but that is why they call it hobby. it is usually what people will do when they are bored and got so many time to waste. :D


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